Theory and Practice in English Studies
Many Ghosts of Hamlet
THEPES 11/1 (Spring 2022)
Issue Editor: Anna Mikyšková (Masaryk University)
Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a play with unprecedented cultural currency and has influenced generations of people from all walks of life. Oceans of ink have been spilled in analyses of Hamlet and its story has been redefined, reshaped and reconceptualized in all ways and languages imaginable. Since new meanings are constantly being assigned to the play, the aim of this issue is to collect recent diverse perspectives on Hamlet’s afterlives, reimaginations and cultural experiences shaped by the story of the Danish prince. We hope to show the variability and relevance of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedy and the scope of the cultural influence of the many ghosts of Hamlet.

We welcome articles which address (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- Hamlet in performance,
- Hamlet in translation,
- adaptations and appropriations of Hamlet,
- echoes of Hamlet in works of art and popular culture,
- reception of Hamlet in non-Anglophone cultures,
- experiences of theatre professionals with Hamlet,
- Hamlet in modern society and its relevance for current social phenomena,
- Hamlet in education curricula.
Please submit paper proposals of no more than 300 words by 15th March 2022. The deadline for article submission is 30th April 2022, the expected length being between 3,000 and 6,000 words. See our publication guidelines for more information. We also welcome contributions by postgraduate students and early-career researchers.
The proposals are to be sent to