Faculty Profiles

Milada Franková, member of the Committee of the PhD programme Literatures in English, Chair of the Editorial Board of Brno Studies in English. She teaches British Literature and Cultural Studies, her special research interest is in the contemporary British novel. She has lectured, taught intensive courses and participated in conferences at many European universities (Salzburg, Wienna, Magdeburg, Regensburg, Bologna, Wroclaw, Szeged, Ružomberok, Bristol, Warwick, Oxford, Porto, Thessaloniki, Izmir). She is the author of three monographs (Human Relationships in the Novels of Iris Murdoch, 1995; Britské spisovatelky na konci tisíciletí, British Women Writers at the End of the Millennium, 1999; and Britské spisovatelky na přelomu tisíciletí, British Women Writers at the Turn of the Millennium, 2003) and numerous articles in international publications on more than twenty contemporary British women novelists.

Ludmila Urbanová — As Emeritus Professor in English Linguistics she is still active at the Department of English and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts as a supervisor and examiner in the field of PhD. studies (study branch English Linguistics).
Ludmila Urbanová was the co-founder of the Department of English Studies in Prešov, East Slovakia, where she was teaching for 27 years. At the beginning she was an assistant teacher, after reaching higher qualifications (CSc. degree) she finally became Associated Professor in English Linguistics in Slovakia.
In 1992 she returned to her alma mater Masaryk University. She helped establish a newly created Department of English at the Pedagogical Faculty designing a variety of pilot versions of study programmes. In 1995 she continued her teaching and research activity at the Department of English and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts. In her teaching and research she introduced new linguistic disciplines following the latest trends in language studies such as pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics and stylistics. Her main contribution to the department can be seen in the field of doctoral studies (she supervised 30 successfully defended doctoral dissertations). In her position of Associated Professor/Professor she managed to establish valuable links with prestigious universities and their English departments all over Europe (Lund, Munich, Vienna, Wroclaw, Magdeburg, Jena, Norwich, Krakow, Greifswald etc.).

Jan Chovanec is Full Professor of English Linguistics. He specializes in media discourse analysis and socio-pragmatics, teaching courses in modern linguistics (sociolinguistics), discourse analysis (language of broadcast/social media) and ESP (legal English, academic English). His research interests include pragmatic aspects of mediatized communication, representation of social actors in the media, multimodality, dialogism in texts and humour-in-interaction. His current research projects deal with interpersonal interaction in social media communication, the discourse of online sports reporting, discriminatory discourses in the press, and the pragmatics of humour.
He is the author of over 80 original research articles in international journals and edited collections (e.g. Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Historical Pragmatics, Discourse and Society, Discourse and Communication, Discourse Context and Media). He published two monographs: The Discourse of Online Sportscasting (2018, Benjamins) and Pragmatics of Tense and Times in News (2014, Benjamins). He is co-editor of many thematic volumes, e.g. Analyzing Digital Discourses (2021, Palgrave, with M. Johansson and S.-K. Tanskanen), The Dynamics of Interactional Humor (2018, Benjamins, with V. Tsakona), Representing the Other in European Media Discourses (2017, Benjamins, with K. Molek-Kozakowska), Participation in Public and Social Media Interactions (2015, Benjamins, with M. Dynel), Language and Humour in the Media (Cambridge Scholars 2012, with I. Ermida), as well as several journal special issues (Journal of Pragmatics, EJHR, BSE). Since 2007, he has been the editor-in-chief of the international refereed journal Brno Studies in English (ERIH, SCOPUS). He serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Pragmatics, Discourse Context & Media, and Internet Pragmatics, and is currently serving as co-editor-in-chief of Discourse Context & Media (with Carmen Lee).
He used to act as a court-appointed translator/interpreter (with almost 1000 translations) and provides linguistic advisory. He has experience in the area of ESP, having taught legal English, business English and EAP for several years. In that field, he has co-authored the books Soudní překlad a tlumočení [Court Translation and Interpreting] (2011, Wolters Kluwer, with M. Bázlik and T. Hrehovčík), and Anglicko-český slovník uprchlického práva [English-Czech Dictionary of Refugee Law] (1999, MU, with B. Budíková), He has held guest lectures at a number of universities (USA, UK, Canada, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Estonia, Taiwan) and presented at more than 100 conferences. He also teaches at the Silesian University in Opava and is an external teacher at the University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.
Associate Professors

Jana Chamonikolasová is an Associate Professor in the field of English Linguistics. Her main research interests are the information structure of language, the role of intonation in spoken discourse, and the structure of written academic discourse. She obtained her Ph.D. and Docent degrees from Masaryk University in the fields of Functional Syntax and Intonation. Through her research, she develops the Brno approach to the study of the information structure of language established by Jan Firbas, known as the theory of Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP). She has given lectures on this theory at American and European universities including Harvard University, Lund University, and the Universities of Munich, Cologne, and Magdeburg. Apart from a number of articles on FSP, she has published a monograph entitled Intonation in English and Czech Dialogues and she is the editor-in-chief of the edition of the Collected Works of Jan Firbas.

Tomáš Kačer, Associate Professor of English and American literature. His interests lie in the fields of British drama in the twentieth century and the present, American drama and theatre both in its history and today, literary modernism, theory of drama and theatre (Prague School structuralism and semiotics), and narratology. Tomáš obtained his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at Masaryk University in 2012. Besides teaching courses within his fields, he also works with the department's student theatre group, The Gypsywood Players. He was a Fulbright researcher at the University of Texas at Austin in 2017/2018, where he conducted research in American drama, performance philosophy, and the British playwright Tom Stoppard. He is the editor of Theatre Theory Reader: Prague School Writings (Charles University Press, 2017) and author of New Messengers: Short Narratives in Plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson (Masaryk University, 2013). His most recentl book is the only Czech-language history of 18th and 19th century American drama Dvousetletá pustina: dějiny starší americké dramatiky (Charles University Press, 2019). He is also a translator of plays, fiction and non-fiction.
He is currently the Head of the Department (since 2022).

Naděžda Kudrnáčová is a member of the Board of the Ph.D. programme “English Language” as well as a member of the Modern Language Association and the European Society for the Study of English. She teaches courses in semantics, lexicology and morphology. She habilitated from Masaryk University in 2011. Her research interests lie mainly within lexical semantics, cognitive semantics, syntax-semantics interface, construction grammar and psycholinguistics. She has published numerous articles in scholarly journals, collections of papers and conference proceedings. She is also the author of two monographs (“Directed Motion at the Syntax-Semantics Interface” (2008) investigates semantic and syntactic attributes of motion with respect to directionality and establishes directed movement as a distinct category; “Caused Motion: Secondary Agent Constructions” (2013) explores a specific type of caused motion construction and shows how insights from psycholinguistics can be usefully applied to the study of the interface between syntax and semantics). She has held guest lectures at universities in Vienna, Munich, Cologne, Toruń and Prague. She has visited and taken part in a number of short-term programmes at universities in Aberdeen, Regensburg and Vienna.

Michael Matthew Kaylor, Associate Professor, specializes in Romantic and Victorian poetry, the Modernist novel, and the theory of biography. Besides those areas, he also teaches courses on Walt Whitman, Henry James, H.P. Lovecraft, and American Decadence. Dr. Kaylor’s published scholarly works include: Secreted Desires: The Major Uranians: Hopkins, Pater and Wilde (2006); an edition of Forrest Reid’s 1905 novella The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys (2007); an edition of Edward Perry Warren’s 1928-1930 apologia A Defence of Uranian Love (2009); the two-volume Lad’s Love: An Anthology of Uranian Poetry and Prose (2010); a two-volume edition of Forrest Reid’s Tom Barber Trilogy (2011); the co-edited anthology Literární biografie jako křižovatka žánrů (Literary Biography as a Crossroads of Genres)(2011); the co-authored Alternatives in Biography: Writing Lives in Diverse English-Language Contexts (2011); an edition of John Stuart Hay’s 1911 biography The Amazing Emperor Heliogabalus (2012); and the two-volume Collected Works and Commissioned Biography of Edward Perry Warren (2013). He contributed “Romantic Appropriations,” Chapter 35 of A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities, edited by Prof. Thomas K. Hubbard (2014). He is presently completing the four-volume Collected Works of Forrest Reid.

Tomáš Pospíšil, Associate Professor, Chair of the Ph.D. program commission Literatures in English and guarantor of the North American Culture Studies program. He teaches American Literature, American and Canadian Film, and American Cultural Studies. He was an ACLS Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1993/94, and a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Southern California in 1999. More recently he has been visiting Canadian universities (University of Toronto, University of British Columbia) on a variety of short-term fellowships (Faculty Enrichment Program, Faculty Research Program). He has held guest lectures at a number of international universities (USA, Germany, Finland, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, Turkey, China), taught intensive courses in Germany (Magdeburg, Regensburg) and participated in international summer schools (Potsdam, Graz).
He is the author of The Progressive Era in American Historical Fiction: John Dos Passos’ The 42nd Parallel and E.L. Doctorow’s Ragtime (1998), Průvodce cestovatele Amerikou (A Traveler’s Guide through the Culture of the United States, 2001) and Sambo tu již nebydlí? Obraz Afroameričanů v americkém filmu 20. století (Sambo Does Not Live Here Anymore? The African American Representation in American Film of the 20th Century, 2003). He also co-authored the volume Us-Them-Me, the Search for Identity in Canadian Literature and Film (2009), where he contributed a chapter on Canadian feature film. His current research interests include African American film representation, Canadian feature film and the reception of American culture in the Czech lands.
Assistant Professors and Lecturers

Nikola Fořtová has been involved in ELT since 2002. Nikki is CELTA and DELTA qualified and holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL. Nikki is a CELTA tutor, an oral examiner for the Cambridge suite of exams and an Oxford Teachers’ Academy trainer. Nikki has run practical methodology training sessions and workshops around Europe to English language teachers and is particularly interested in the application of technology to teaching and learning. As well as helping to maintain several online teacher training sites, she has designed and tutored several online and face to face ICT courses for English language teachers. Her main area of research and interest lies in helping learners to develop their speaking skills in an asynchronous online environment. Originally from the UK, Nikki has been a teacher and teacher trainer at Masaryk University since 2005.

Martina Horáková is an Assistant Professor who specializes in and teaches Australian cultural studies, contemporary Indigenous literatures in Australia and North America, minority discourses, and theories of feminism and settler colonialism. She obtained her Ph.D. in comparative literature from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Her dissertation, which won the Czech-American Award for Talented Students in 2008, was published as Inscribing Difference and Resistance: Indigenous Women’s Personal Non-fiction and Life Writing in Australia and North America (MUNI Press, 2017). It examines the ways in which Indigenous women’s nonfiction published in the 1990s contributed to theoretical articulations of Indigenous feminism and to a historiographic counter-discourse which significantly intervened in the dominant narratives of nation-building in settler colonies. Her research was supported by a number of grants and fellowships, including the Endeavour Post-doctoral Research Award at the University of Sydney (2011) and the University of New South Wales (2006), and the Group of Eight European Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Queensland in Brisbane (2008). She co-authored Alternatives in Biography with Stephen Hardy, Michael M. Kaylor and Kateřina Prajznerová (MUNI Press, 20111) and published articles and chapters in the following books and journals: Life Writing journal (2020), Handbook of Autobiography/Autofiction (De Gruyter, 2017), European History of English Studies: Gender (Peter Lang, 2015), A Companion to Aboriginal Literature (Camden House, 2013), Contemporary Canadian Literature in English: European Perspectives (Al. I. Cuza Press, 2012), Postcolonial Issues in Australian Literature (Cambria Press, 2010); Zeitschrift für Australienstudien (2015), JEASA (2013), Antipodes journal (2013), Central European Journal of Canadian Studies (2008), Brno Studies in English (2011, 2010, 2007). She is currently working on a book project related to Australian memoirs of settler belonging, which was supported by The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR). She is also the general editor of JEASA (Journal of the European Association for the Studies of Australia) and served as Erasmus mobility coordinator from 2009 to 2016.

Simona Kalová joined the department in 2009, after pursuing a career as a language school teacher, and a freelance translator and interpreter. She is an assistant professor and teaches in the Program of Bachelor’s Degree Studies. Simona is a teacher and coordinator in a skills-based Practical English course in the first year and, together with her colleague Chris Rance, teaches a course focused on eliminating the interference of the mother tongue called Czenglish. She graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University and holds an M.A. degree in English and Italian language and literature, and a Ph.D. in the Didactics of Foreign Language (2020). For her dissertation, entitled Accuracy Matters: Exploring the Accuracy of Advanced Learner English in Czech Tertiary Education, she received the MU Pedagogical Faculty Dean’s Award for an outstanding research accomplishment. In her research, Simona focuses on aspects of learner language, the role of errors and questions of norm in English language teaching.

Filip Krajník is an Assistant Professor in the field of British Literature. His interests include William Shakespeare, Elizabethan theatre, late mediaeval English literature, literary representations and the intellectual history of sleeping and dreaming, the work of the American SF author Philip K. Dick, and literary translation. Filip graduated from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, with a Bachelor’s degree in English and Czech Language and Literature, then gained his Master’s degree in English and Czech Philology at Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, and a PhD in English Literature at Durham University, United Kingdom. The title of his doctoral thesis was “In the Shadow of Night: Sleeping and Dreaming and Their Technical Rôles in Shakespearian Drama”. Currently, he teaches courses on English Renaissance literature and mediaeval dream-visions. Filip is also a translator of several short-stories and novels from English, including Matthew Nicholls’s A Fistful of Cherries (as Tajemství modrých třešní) and Philip K. Dick’s The Divine Invasion (as Božská invaze), Deus Irae, and The Penultimate Truth (as Předposlední pravda). His translation of Geoffrey Chaucer’s dream-vision The Parliament of Fowls into Czech, including his introduction and notes, was published in 2014.

Linda Nepivodová works as a language exam specialist and teacher trainer at the English Department. She also works at the Faculty of Education as a teacher trainer. During the summer she spends her time in the UK involved in ELT management, working as an Academic manager for TARGET schools, which focus on Young Learners. Linda holds a bachelor degree in English and Latin (2004), an M.A. in English language and literature, specialized in testing (2007) and a Ph.D. in Foreign Language Didactics (2018). She is CELTA and DELTA qualified, works as a freelance CELTA tutor and is an examiner for the Cambridge Main Suite and Young Learners’ Exams. Her research interests include testing and assessment, error correction and second language acquisition. She is one of the authors of a publication providing students with tests and test strategies for Entrance Examinations at the Department (Chci studovat angličtinu, Barrister and Principal, 2011).
She has given guest lectures in the UK, USA, Greece, Hungary, etc. and has actively participated at numerous international conferences. She comes from a musical family and loves singing.

Jiří Rambousek graduated in computer science from the Technical College in Brno, and in English and Czech Language and Literature from the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. He was the first Head of the Faculty of Arts IT Center. (In November 1989, the Center was used for printing materials during the students’ strike—see materials and his photos from the time). After leaving the IT Center, Jiří never gave up his IT activities completely: he helped introduce e-learning to the English Department and the Faculty of Arts, and initiated a complete retro-digitization of all scholarly articles by the Faculty of Arts staff (some two hundred thousand pages; to be launched soon). He also published several articles on e-learning. After completing his studies at the Faculty of Arts in 1991, Jiří became active as translator and began to teach courses in translation, and became a full-time member of the English Department in 1995. He also served as its Head in 1999-2001, and was Faculty of Arts vice-dean for IT in 2006-2010. He ran three subsequent grant projects establishing access to selected on-line resources for English studies for the entire Czech academia, and participated in several research grants such as Postavení literárního překladu v české společnosti po roce 1945 (Situation of literary translation in the Czech society after 1945; Jiří and the Brno Department were responsible for Anglophone literatures in the joint grant with Faculty of Arts, Charles University, with Stanislav Rubáš as Head of the research). Jiří’s fields of interest are history of translation, translation of children’s literature, and lexicographical aspects of translation.

Lucie Seibertová focuses on literary translation and authorship studies. She earned her master’s degree in English and French from Masaryk University in 2009. Her research interests include translation plagiarism, copyright, collaborative authorship, and works by disabled authors.
Between 2009 and 2011 she participated in the project Postavení literárního překladu v české společnosti po roce 1945. It resulted in the publication of the book Slovo za slovem: S překladateli o překládání (Prague: Academia, 2012), which is a collection of interviews with 27 Czech translators active under the communist regime.
She has also presented research at several international conferences, including 10th ESSE International Conference (2010) and 7th International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting (2011).

Jeffrey Vanderziel’s path into the disciplines of literature and cultural studies has been an uncommon one. As an American doctoral student who came to the region doing field work in Anthropology, he first encountered today’s Czech Republic in the 1980s (before the Velvet Revolution). Returning to the country in the 90s during the heady years of post-Cold War transformation, he joined Masaryk University’s Department of English and American Studies as a lecturer. He became Department Chair in 2002. In his decade at its helm, it has been his blessing and burden to guide the Department’s development through constant challenges and exciting advances. Dedicated and talented colleagues have helped him to create a modern department noted for high standards and academic excellence, where students train in the most contemporary global research in Anglo-American and Anglophone literature and cultural studies, linguistics and teacher training. Jeff is proud to lead a faculty that is passionate about advanced research and equally committed to pedagogy, whose students go on to succeed as professionals in diverse fields: as university educators, journalists, historians, diplomats, entrepreneurs, translators, and secondary school teachers. Besides his administration of the department’s daily workings and its long term ambitions, Jeff teaches and publishes on North American Indigenous People’s History, Literature and Culture, Migration and Immigration in North America, Gay Studies, African American History and Culture, and American Geographies. His publications include the books, Identity through Art, Thought and the Imaginary in the Canadian Space (2009) and Winnetou Doesn't Live Here: an Anthology of Contemporary American Indian Short Stories (2003).

Stephen Hardy was born in Manchester, England, studied at the Universities of York and Warwick and has completed degrees in English and Related Literatures, Linguistics and English Language Teaching, and British Cultural Studies. He taught English language and literature in England, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark and Greece before becoming a British Council recruited lecturer in Olomouc, Czechoslovakia in 1986. Since 1989 he has taught literature and cultural studies at Masaryk University in Brno. His current teaching focuses on nineteenth and twentieth century British literature, twentieth century Irish literature, post-war American fiction, twentieth century British poetry, and British Cultural Studies. His primary research interests are in relations between cultural geography, philosophy, and post-war British and American literature. Recent major publications include Relations of Place: Aspects of Late Twentieth Century Fiction (2008) and ‘Versions of Pastoral Biography: Ackroyd, Carter, Berger’ in Alternatives in Biography: Writing Lives in Diverse English-Language Contexts (2012), co-authored by Martina Horáková, Michael Matthew Kaylor and Kateřina Prajznerová. At present, he is preparing a book relating aspects of process philosophy, urban geography and environmental thinking to recent developments in British poetry, novel writing and cultural history.

Miroslav Ježek focuses on sociolinguistics and language variation and change, especially as regards pronunciation and its standard as well as non-standard varieties. He earned his Ph.D. degree in English linguistics from Masaryk University in 2017 and has presented at a number of conferences both in the Czech Republic and abroad (particularly at the Accents series of conferences in Lodz). He teaches Introduction to Linguistics and Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology.

Renata Kamenická is an assistant professor in the field of translation studies and the head of the program in English-language Translation. She teaches courses covering the theory of translation, text and discourse analysis for translators, translation skills cultivation, translation-specific tendencies and various courses in literary translation. Her research interests include translational explicitation and implicitation as symptoms of translator style, various aspects of literary stylistics for translators, application of cognitive styles in translation pedagogy and empirical research in cultural translation practices, on which topics she has published a host of articles in various journals and edited volumes. She has delivered papers at international conferences in the Czech and Slovak Republic and abroad (Ireland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Hungary) and held guest lectures at foreign universities (Finland, Portugal) as well as workshops for the Czech unit of DGT Luxembourg (2010, 2011). Alongside her academic career, Renata Kamenická has continued to be a translator, with about a dozen book translations (both popular science and fiction) published – novels by W. Trevor and K. Ishiguro among them. She enjoys working with students and has supervised nearly forty Master’s theses in translation studies. She is a member of the editorial board of Brno Studies in English.

Jana Pelclová is an Assistant Professor in the field of linguistics. Her research interests lie in stylistics, pragmatics and the discourse of advertising. She also focuses on the language and characterization in children’s fiction, and on linguistic landscape. She co-edited Persuasion in public discourse: Cognitive and functional perspectives (2018, John Benjamins, with Wei-lun Lu), her chapter “Meaning you have been known to act rashly”. How Molly Weasley negotiates her identity as a moral authority in conflicts in the Harry Potter series was published in Manners, Norms and Transgressions in the History of English. Literary and linguistic approaches (2020, John Benjamins, edited by A. H. Jucker and I. Taavitsainen). Her articles have been published in Topics in Linguistics, Kalbu Studijos/Studies about languages (a member of the editorial board) and in Brno Studies in English. At the department, she teaches English Grammar and Introduction to Stylistics (in the Bachelor’s Degree Studies), and a couple of courses in the Master’s Degree Studies, e.g. Discourse of Folktales, Language of Advertising, Pragmatics or Reading Harry Potter: Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Analyses (with F. Krajník, Ph.D.).

Jeff Smith, Assistant Professor, holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in English Language and Literature from the University of Chicago and a Master of Fine Arts degree from the School of Theater, Film and Television at the University of California - Los Angeles. His research and teaching focus on the literatures and cultures of America, with particular attention to the interplay of literature, politics and the popular arts. His first book, Unthinking the Unthinkable (Indiana University Press), which grew in part out of work he did at the British Film Institute on a U.K. Fulbright Fellowship, applied literary and film analysis to examine the cultural origins of the Cold War nuclear threat; his second book, The Presidents We Imagine (University of Wisconsin Press, Studies in American Thought and Culture series), completed while he was a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University’s Rothermere American Institute, is a comprehensive analytical history of representations of American presidents and presidential politics in fiction, stage plays, film, television and digital media. Jeff has presented papers at the national conventions of the Modern Language Association, the Society for Cinema Studies and the Popular Culture Association, and his articles have appeared in various journals including Film/Literature Quarterly, Studies in American Humor, the European Journal of American Culture, College English, and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. A former news reporter, he has written for the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, served as a consultant and project manager for U.S. television news networks, and taught media studies, communications and writing at UCLA and the University of Southern California, as well as American literature, film and cultural history as a Fulbright lecturer in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Having written and directed for theater companies in Chicago, London and Los Angeles, he also currently serves as Artistic Director of the Gypsywood Players.

Kateřina Tomková’s lifelong passion for the spoken form of English was established at the age of 6 when she chanced to spend a year in Canada. Quite an early start by those times' standards, and she has followed her fascination ever since. She obtained her PhDr. degree in English and French from Masaryk University in 1986, has worked at the Department of English and American Studies since 1990 and has run her private English-language total-immersion preschool and afternoon classes since 1993. Katka's professional interests include English Phonetics and Phonology, the synthesis of pronunciation and other speaking skills at different academic levels, the use of music and drama for speech training, pronunciation varieties of English and the perceptions of non-native pronunciation of English by native speakers, which was the topic of her Ph.D. dissertation of 2008. Katka has taken part in conferences organized by her department, in a Summer School of English Phonetics at University College London and will give a paper at the Accents 2012 Conference in Lodz, Poland. Katka is the entrance exam coordinator for the department.

Jitka Vlčková joined the department in 1993 after having been a freelance translator for the Academy of Sciences for more than a decade. Her research career has centered on the social content of the history of Australia, from the past to the present. She has published a number of articles on various aspects in communication, with a focus on cross-cultural interaction. She has held several fellowships including London University, University of NSW and Technical University Archangelsk and obtained grants for a short-term study at the University of Goteborg in Sweden and the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. Her present research is aimed at indigenous peoples and minority issues related to status, gender, identity and racism. Apart from the communities in Anglo-Saxon countries her intellectual interests center on disadvantaged groups in the Czech Republic.
Department Administration
Tomáš Kačer
Department Head
Tomáš Hanzálek
Managing assistant
Tomáš graduated from the Purkyňka secondary school in the field of Information and Database Systems. After a futile effort to act at Masaryk University as a student (Faculty of Informatics – Applied Informatics), he became an employee of the University at the Department of English and American Studies, where he has been working since September 2006. His main domain is student agenda (students’ problems regarding registration and enrollment, control templates, and just about anything related to the study programs that is not addressed by the Office for Studies), maintaining and updating the Department website and Facebook, creating posters, and indeed anything the Department needs, from Accreditation to repairing the Z-rox machine :-). He likes to watch movies and TV series, listen to music, take walks (formerly a big footsal fan and player :-), relax and mainly spend time with his daughters.
Markéta Pilařová
Language School Manager
Vendula Matochová
Department secretary