2 Mar 2020 Translation Traineeship Every year, there are around 100 places available for paid traineeships, around 20 places for unpaid compulsory traineeships and and up to 6 places for paid trainees with a disability.
12 Feb 2020 Extending the Scope of Narratology Narratology was born out of the realization that the horizon of narrativity was beyond the scope of literary theory.
28 Jan 2020 Intensive courses - Spring 2020 The Department offers again two intensive courses in the spring semestr 2020.
8 Oct 2019 Filmová přehlídka UK/UH 4: Hradiště rozhoupe Swinging London! Čtvrtý ročník UK/UH: Dnů britského filmu a kultury se v Uherském Hradišti uskuteční ve dnech 22. – 24. listopadu 2019. Po sekci věnované severoirskému konfliktu The Troubles, se přehlídka zaměří na Swinging London a Swinging Sixties.
1 Oct 2019 The HCA Spring Academy The seventeenth HCA Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics, and Religion will be held from March 23-27, 2020. The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications for this annual one-week conference that provides twenty international Ph.D. students with the opportunity to present and discuss their Ph.D. projects.
17 Sep 2019 The Anniversary Issue of Re:Views Magazine is out! The 10th issue of Re:Views Magazine, created by students of the Department of English and American Studies from the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University is out!
13 Sep 2019 Erasmus 3rd call 2019/2020 This is to inform you that the 3rd round of applications opens on Monday, September 16, with the deadline being Sunday, September 29.
3 Sep 2019 Academic year 2019/2020 - Information On behalf of the Department of English and American Studies, I would like to welcome you in the new academic year 2019/2020.