Electronic catalogue of the Library of the Department of English and American Studies — Brief History
  • February
    process of the selection of the appropriate software system started by the University
  • June
    TINLIB by the British company IME selected as SW for the libraries of the University
  • July
    contract signed on the purchase and installation of TINLIB (module Catalogue -- MS-DOS network version for four users)
  • November
    A group was formed for creating a project of library automation at the Faculty of Arts with the following members:
    Bronislava Benešovská (Computer Centre)
    Jiří Rambousek (Computer Centre)
    Don Sparling (Department of English and American Strudies)
    Zbyněk Sviták (Archive Studies Department)
    Hana Nováková (Central Faculty Library)
    Contact was established with the OCLC company that offers ready-made catalogue records; the project included their use for retrospective conversion of the English Department catalogue
  • December
    the Catalogue module installed
    The Project of library automation at the Faculty of Arts has been written
  • January
    The Project was sent to the HESP fund (later to become the Open Society Fund)
    The Project was sent to the Development Fund of the Czech School Board (Fond dynamického rozvoje VŠ); it was not accepted
    Further negotiation with OCLC – a test sample of 100 catalogue cards was sent off (the hit-rate was 75 %)
  • February
    Mgr. Petr Poledňa takes over as the head of the Central Faculty Library
    The automation section formed within the Central Library (head -- PhDr. Hana Nováková)
  • March
    A project was sent to the IREX foundation (American Library Association - Library Fellows Program 1994/1995) asking for the coverage of a 6 month stay of an experienced librarian from abroad who would help design the system and actually start the cataloguing process at the Department of English and American Studies as well as in the Central Library
  • July
    The Project was sent to The Andrew Mellon Foundation (it was not accepted because the Foundation supported joint projects rather than those of isolated libraries)
  • October
    The Project was sent to the Development Fund of the Czech School Board (Fond rozvoje VŠ) for 1994.
  • June
    120.000 of the requested 322.000 Czech crowns (Kc) granted by the Development Fund
    The IREX project was granted (American Library Association – Library Fellows Program 1994/1995)
    PhDr. Hana Novakova leaves the Faculty for the University Computer Centre where she co-ordinates library automation at University level (in)
    Hana Barvinkova (Metyšova) replaces her in the automation section in the Central Library
  • July
    cataloguing personnel recruited and trained for the English Department (covered by the Development Fund grant)
  • ???
    1 PC purchased for the English Department Library (covered by the Development Fund grant)
    The MICROCON software and the first batch of records from OCLC purchased (covered by the Development Fund grant)
    Registration of search keys in MICROCON started (ie. minimal information about a book necessary for its unambiguous identification, eg. ISBN or part of the author's name or title)
  • October
    Beginning of the stay of Marie Bednar, M.A. (Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A; covered by the IREX American Library Association – Library Fellows Program 1994/1995)
  • November
    $ 17.600 granted by the Open Society Fund
  • January
    First records received from OCLC based on the MICROCON identification
    The conversion module OCLC MARC-TINLIB adapted by the University Computer Centre
  • February
    Mgr. Zdeňka Dohnálková comes to the English Department Library (to take over after M. Bednar)
    1 PC purchased (11.000 $ granted by Hamer Foundation to Ms. Bednar)
  • March
    First OCLC records entered to the Department of English Library database
    End of the stay of Marie Bednar, M.A.
  • August
    PhDr. Pavla Kánská becomes the new Head of the Central Faculty Library
  • November
    The Central Library upgrades to the OS UNIX version of TINLIB
  • January
    The Central Library starts computer cataloguing of new books (in TINLIB)
  • August
    Mgr. Z. Dohnálková leaves the Faculty (and starts working as the Head of the Central Library of the Pedagogical faculty of our University)
  • January
    Completion of the retro-conversion of the English Department Library book fund
  • May
    The full computer catalogue of the English Department was included in the catalogue of the Central Library, forming a substantial part of the computer catalogued records.


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