Teaching English Language and Literature in Secondary Schools - combined


It is possible to study in the program parallelly with the program in English Language and Literature. In this case, the student registers for courses in one of the programs and after s/he passes them, s/he will petition for their recognition into the other program.

Besides the conditions listed below, the student must pass an exam in a foreign language (German, French, Spanish, or Russian - codes beginning with CJV%) on the level for Master's degree students.

The students have to choose ELT track. Based on the selection, the student organizes the studies so that s/he meets the criteria listed below, writes the diploma thesis and sits the Final State Exam. The student may decide upon the number of courses s/he wishes to attend, but it is recommended that s/he only attends compulsory courses in the first semeser of studies and one optional course in each subsequent semester (i.e. 0-1-1-1, 1-2-1-1).

Important information for combined studies students:
In your first semester, you must register for the following courses:
DPS001, DPS002 and DPS005
In your second semester, you must register for the following courses:
DPS003 and DPS004
These courses are taught in alternating weeks to the courses you have to take in the English Department. Please be aware that this means you need to come every week. As for the third semester, you are also required to come every week for Internal Teaching Practice.


In order to be allowed to sit for the Master’s Final State Exam (UZAJ5999), a student must obtain at least 120 credits while fulfilling the following requirements:
  • Pass five pedagogical-psychological courses (20 credits) at the Faculty of Arts (DPS001-DPS005).
  • Pass the following courses in English language teaching methodology, theory and practice at the Department of English and American Studies: UZAJ5031, UZAJ5032, UZAJ5033, UZAJ5044, UZAJ5045, UZAJ5047 and UZAJ5048 (21 credits total).
  • Pass an exam in English language teaching and theory (UZAJ5046) at the end of the third semester (2 credits).
  • Pass – no later than the end of the third semester of studies – the written and oral exams in the English Language (AJ21110 and AJ21120, respectively) or have recognized an accepted certificate in accordance with the criteria specified on the Department web site.
  • Pass the university-wide requirement for an additional foreign language (4 credits).
  • Pass Master’s Thesis Seminars I and II (AJ59801 and AJ59802, 20 credits total) and submit Master’s Diploma Thesis (AJ59850).

ATTENTION: Students who began their studies on Autumn 2018 or later must choose the ELT track!
The remainder of requirements and credits necessary to complete this degree are based on the track the student has chosen (English Language Teaching):

  • Pass five courses within the selected track and finish them with exams (50 credits).
  • Gain 3 more credits from any courses offered at the Department of English and American Studies.

End of Studies

The student must pass the Diploma Thesis Seminars I and II (AJ59801 a AJ59802) and write and defend a Diploma Thesis within the selected track.

The process of writing a Master’s Diploma Thesis lasts at least two semesters: in the first semester students prepare for writing and submit assignments in the electronic Thesis Seminar I (AJ59801), in the second semester, they consult with their adviser, write the thesis and gain credits for that in the Thesis Seminar II (AJ59802) and hand in the thesis (AJ59850).

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