English Language and Literature - combined
Application criteria:
- Knowledge of English on a CPE level (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
- Knowledge of basic linguistic disciplines and terminology
- Knowledge of basic literary and cultural theories, including terminology
- Knowledge of the literature and culture of Britain and United States
The Curriculum
There will be five meetings (contact education) in the semester in the form of blocks of courses. These meetings will take place on Fridays once in two weeks.
Besides the contact education, the support of studies will be based on two pillars:
1. on-line e-learning support of studies in the system ELF (see http://www.phil.muni.cz/elf). Each subject has its own specific Internet interface that helps students with their preparation and serves as a guide during the semester. With the help of the system, the students' input will not be limited to contact hours with instructors. Students can work on courses at home, discuss issues with other students, with teachers, write tests, submit their work, etc.
Note: continuous preparation at home and work in the e-learning system ELF is a crucial part of the combined programme! Contact with teachers and lectures will only follow up work done by students at home on ELF as a part of their self study.
2. Consulting with teachers, who will be available in person during office hours and accessible via e-mail and chat and other communication applications in the ELF (such as discussion forums).
The Curriculum:
The standard length is 4 semesters.
Each student must in the course of their studies get at least 120 credits, write and defend a Master's thesis and pass the State Exam.
Each student must also pass an exam in another language (French, German, Russian or Spanish) at the level prescribed for the Master's degree students (4 credits).
Students must pass all three compulsory courses (Literary and Cultural Theory I + II, Historical Development).
There are two groups of optional courses - (1) the linguistic/translation "track" and (2) literary/cultural studies "track". The offer varies, but there will be at least two courses of each track offered each semester.
Students choose one of the tracks. Within this track, it is compulsory to pass at least 7 courses and write a diploma thesis. The following list is provisional due to the flexibility of Department’s yearly course offerings.
A. Compulsory courses (offered every year):
First year of studies:
Fall semester:
course title | type | credits |
Literary and Cultural Theory I (AJ50001)* | Zk | 8 |
Historical Development (AJ50003) (Offered in odd numbered years) |
Zk | 10 |
Spring semester:
course title | type | credits |
Literary and Cultural Theory II (AJ50002)* | Zk | 8 |
English Language Exam (AJ51000 + AJ51100)* | Zk | 0 |
Second year of studies:
Fall semester:
course title | type | credits |
Diploma Thesis Seminar I (AJ59801)** | z | 10 |
Spring semester:
course title | type | credits |
Diploma Thesis Seminar II (AJ59802)** | z | 10 |
Diploma Thesis (AJ59850)** | z | 0 |
State Exam (AJ59999)** | SZk | 0 |
B. A specific group of optional courses are offered every two years. The year of study in which a student takes the course, depends on the year of matriculation (see the table).
Fall 2019, 2021
course title | type | credits | instructor |
Topics in Linguistics: Sociolinguistics (AJ52019) | Zk | 10 | Urbanová, Ježek |
Topics in Linguistics: Basic Issues in Cognitive Linguistics: Metaphors We Live By (AJ52020) | Zk | 10 | Lu |
Topics in Culture: Cultural Politics and Political Cultures of the United States (AJ57014) | Zk | 10 | Smith |
Topics in Culture: Approaches to Developments in Modern British and Global Contemporary Culture and Related Cultures (AJ56013) | Zk | 10 | Hardy |
Spring semester 2018, 2020
course title | type | credits | instructor |
Topics in Translation (AJ59011) | Zk | 10 | Kamenická |
Topics in Linguistics: Semantics (AJ52011) | Zk | 10 | Kudrnáčová |
Topics in Literature: Aspects of Comparison in the Twentieth Century British Literature (AJ54011) | Zk | 10 | Hardy |
Topcs in Literature: British Women Writers at the Turn of the Millennium (AJ54013) | Zk | 10 | Franková |
Fall semester 2018, 2020
course title | type | credits | instructor |
Topics in Linguistics: Discourse Analysis A (AJ52014) | Zk | 10 | Chovanec |
Topics in Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology (AJ52017) | Zk | 10 | Tomková |
Topics in Literature: Contemporary Anglo-American LIterature for Children and Youth (AJ54501) | Zk | 10 | Krajník |
Topics in Culture: Postcolonial and Feminist Rewritings of Master Narratives (AJ56011) | Zk | 10 | Horáková |
Spring semester 2019, 2021
course title | type | credits | instructor |
Topics in Linguistics: Multilingualism (AJ52022) | Zk | 10 | Chovanec/Sučková |
Topics in Linguistics: Discourse Analysis B (AJ52016) | Zk | 10 | Pelclová |
Topisc in British Culture (AJ56012) | Zk | 10 | Kaylor |
Topics in Culture: Film (AJ57011) | Zk | 10 | Pospíšil |