Bachelor's Diploma Thesis

Length of the Bachelor's Diploma Thesis: no less than 65,000 characters (the required minimum, including spaces) and typically no more than 85,000 characters, depending on the nature of the thesis.

The length includes footnotes, endnotes and bibliography. It does not include the title pages, table of contents, acknowledgments and appendices.

Students in the minor study plan (vedlejší studijní plán) do not write a thesis in this Department.

The deadlines for diploma thesis submission are:

For autumn semester, the deadline is set to November 30 (state exam in January/February)
For spring semester, the deadline is set to April 30 (state exam in June)

Stylesheet formatting:
The preferred stylesheet is Chicago Manual of Style, footnote version (CMOS), and APA for theses in Literary/Cultural Studies and Linguistis/Methodology/Translation studies, respectively. However, if you were trained in MLA , and implementing any other stylesheet would result in erroneous results, please stick to the stylesheet that you are familiar with at this point. It is not necessary to put more pressure on you when you need to focus on the contect quality in the first place. Please, inform your supervisor about the used stylesheet in case you are going to use MLA rather that CMOS or APA. It is important to stick to one selected stylesheet throughout the thesis.

The form of submission:
Besides electronic submission (into your thesis archive and also to the homework vault in the course of Diploma Thesis) it is also necessary to hand in one hard copy (spiral binding or “termovazba” is enough) at the department secretary office.

Template for the Diploma Thesis

Students are encouraged to ask for clarification if they are unsure and seek guidance on variances from these norms.

The regular length of this programme of studies is six semesters. Therefore, you should primarily devote the sixth semester to writing the Bachelor's Diploma Thesis. However, the process of writing must be preceded by extensive research and preparation. You should manage the research by the end of the semester prior to the last one, i.e. the fifth one.

  1. If you are planning to finish your studies in the sixth semester, you must decide on the field of your Thesis at the beginning of of the FIFTH semester of your studies. At this point, see the professor whom you wish to be your supervisor and discuss your topic and the idea. Then enter your topic into the IS (Student > V průběhu semestru > Rozpisy témat > Bakalářská > Témata: založit).
  2. In the FIFTH semester of your studies, register for AJL19800 (Bachelor's Thesis Seminar) in the IS. You will only be signed up for this course after if you have got the agreement from the supervisor and the topic in the IS. During this semester, you will do your research and work on your thesis proposal. By the end of this semester, you should know precisely what you will deal with in your Thesis, and have done most of the research and reading. To be able to do this, be sure to SEE YOUR SUPERVISOR REGULARLY to assist you.
  3. In the SIXTH (i.e. the last) semester, register for AJL19801 (Bachelor's Thesis Seminar II) and AJ19850 (Bachelor's Diploma Thesis) in the IS. Start writing the Thesis as soon as possible and see your supervisor regularly. Remember: it is difficult and time consuming to produce a Thesis! You should think about your writing schedule in the terms of months rather than days or weeks. If you are graduating in the Spring semester, the deadline is set by the Faculty to April 30 (for defense in June). Lately this deadline was shifted to mid-May; if you are graduating in the Fall semester, the deadline is November 30 (defense in January or February). Lately this deadline was shifted to mid-December. Theses submitted after the deadline will not be accepted (it is possible to submit a petition for a postponed deadline, but only serious reasons will be considered, such as a long study stay abroad or serious illness).
  4. All three seminars (AJL19800, AJL19801) and the Thesis itself (AJL19850) are graded with credit ("zápočet" = Z) in the IS. You will get a "Z" for the Seminar I in the IS if you pass the assignments in the E-course in ELF. You will get a "Z"  for the Seminar II in the IS for regularly consultation with your supervisor and submiting chapters to him/her. You will get a "Z" for the Thesis in the IS if you fulfill the formal criteria as set by the Faculty and the Department (see above). You will receive a grade after a defense. Prior to the defense, you will get a report from the second reader (if it is negative, you will get a report from the supervisor, too). You will then defend the Thesis as a part of the State Examination before a committee (supervisor, second reader, the chairperson) and receive a grade which will then appear on your diploma.

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