The Gypsywood Players present "The Canterbury Tales"
After more than two years of pandemic hiatus, The Gypsywood Players will shortly be returning to the stage with a production of The Canterbury Tales. We will be performing on the next two Mondays, May 9 and May 16, at 7:00 pm at at Divadlo Barka in Kralove Pole (map here: Our production will also be part of the "Divadelní MUNIfest" at the Faculty of Arts on the afternoon of Thursday, May 12 (details at this link).
Gypsywood's light-comic adaptation features three of the most popular tales, as well as the famous story of Geoffrey Chaucer's pilgrims on their high-spirited journey to Canterbury Cathedral. The running time is just over one hour. Tickets are 100 Kcs regular price or 50 Kcs for students, and may be booked by sending a request to Thanks and we hope to see you at the theater!