Passing of Šárka Nováková
With tremendous sadness, we must announce the very untimely passing of Šárka Nováková. Most of you knew Šárka, so we needn't tell you what an outstanding person she was. She was also a pillar of the Gypsywood Players and a very important factor in its modern success, having performed in six consecutive productions in as many years: "Our American Cousin," "Animal Farm," "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "Spoon River Anthology," "All the King's Women," and "Interplanetary Fake News," sometimes in multiple roles. She was a great comic player but also excellent in serious roles, and the many other ways she contributed her talents, guidance, high energy and good spirits are too numerous to count -- but to name one example, it would have been impossible to tour "Interplanetary Fake News" to the Debrecen Theatre Festival without her hard work organizing that effort.
In recognition of her extraordinary commitment to GWP, in 2018 Šárka was named the first "Distinguished Veteran Gypsywood Player" in the company's modern history. More recently, she had carried on her theatrical career as a key member of the newly founded Brno English-Speaking Theater, contributing to and helping organize B.E.S.T.'s early and very active slate of productions for the Brno community.