Hamlet book launch
On June 12th, Filip Krajník’s translation of Hamlet was officially launched in Trojka café in Brno. Besides the actual christening of the two versions of the publication (the first volume of the upcoming “William” edition of Shakespeare in new Czech translations by Větrné mlýny publishers and a student version aimed at younger audiences), the most iconic scenes from the play were read by actors of the Spoken Drama Ensemble of National Theatre Brno, namely Viktor Kuzník (Hamlet), Zuzana Černá (Ophelia), Tereza Groszmannová (Queen Gertrude), Petr Kubes (King Claudius/Ghost of King Hamlet), Michal Bumbálek (Polonius) and Jakub Svojanovský (Laertes). The evening finished with a thematic pub quiz, focused on Shakespeare, his works and English culture in general. The excellent host of the event was none other than Associate Professor David Drozd from the Department of Theatre Studies. The books will be available for purchase, study and enjoyment in the course of July!