Translations and Translators of Shakespeare
Czech translations of Shakespear's drama
An event of the Kapradí project, Brno, June 22, 2005
Spojené státy americké a Evropa dnes. Co nás spojuje a co nás dělí?
(The United States and Europe today.)
1st conference of master's and doctoral degree students of Masaryk University
Telč, April 29-30, 2005
1st Shakespearean anti-conference:
"Who Is This Shakespeare Person Anyway? or Shakespeare—Fact or Fiction?"
Brno, April 21st, 2006
(The historical web page contains photos and the full text of all papers.)

Shakespeare and His Collaborators over the Centuries
International conference, Brno, 8–11 February, 2006
(The historical web page contains the programme, abstracts, and photographs from the event.)
Book from the conference: Shakespeare and His Collaborators over the Centuries
Pavel Drábek, Klára Kolinská, Mathew Nicholls (eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
An international seminar on Early Modern Reception
of Shakespeare on the Continent in Context
Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts
Brno, November 12–15, 2009
Living Between the Lines: Transgressive (Auto)Biography as Genre and Method
Brno, October 28–30, 2010
.TALC — 9th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference
Brno, June 30 – July 3, 2010
An International Symposium for Doctoral Students: A Culture of Language
Brno, October 18–19, 2012

A Cultural Difference and Social Solidarity Network Workshop:
Crossing Boundaries: Inclusion, Exclusion, Marginalization and the Hegemonic Making of Societies of Difference
13th September – 14th September 2014
Workshop Programme
An International Symposium for Doctoral Students – A Culture of Language