12th Brno International Conference of English, American, and Canadian Studies

Brno, 5th–7th February 2025

With a doctoral symposium preceding the event on 4th February 2025.

Registration is now CLOSED

About the conference

The tradition of Brno conferences for English scholars goes back to 1986, when our department organised the first conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Originally events mostly for Czech and Slovak researchers, the conferences became strongly internationalised over the years, being attended by hundreds of scholars from Europe, America and Asia. The general character of the conference is designed to give the attendees from a range of disciplines (including linguistics, literary and cultural studies, translation studies and ELT methodology) a common platform to share their research and address issues specific to their respective fields. Since the foundation of the Czech Association for the Study of English (CZASE, a member of the European Society for the Study of English, ESSE), the conferences have been organised in collaboration between the Department of English and American Studies in Brno and CZASE. From 2005, the conferences have had a five-year periodicity.

In previous years, our conferences reflected upon the evergoing transformation of English Studies worldwide, its methods and approaches, and asked questions such as whether we can still talk about the unity of our field or how new emerging disciplines have re-written the landscape of English, American and Canadian Studies. In recent years, the turbulent changes in our field have only become more marked, when not only English Studies, but the entire academic world have found themselves in unprecedented situations and contexts, previously unimagined. The goal of the 12th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies is thus to bring together academics from the field in order to discuss and, ultimately, bridge well-known gaps across our disciplines, as well as to identify new ones that have appeared only recently and whose ramifications for our research are still to be determined.

The organisers strongly believe that the 2025 Brno conference will provide the participants with a suitable platform for exchanging experiences and discussing these issues as well as a number of others. We also hope that the event will lay the foundations for future collaboration between both individual scholars and their institutions in all the traditional areas of English, American and Canadian Studies:

  • Linguistics
  • Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • ELT Methodology
  • Translation Studies

Important dates

  • Abstracts deadline (NEW!!!): 17th November 2024
    • (Note: The new deadline applies to all types of participation: conference papers, posters and doctoral symposium.)
  • Acceptance confirmation (NEW!!!): 30th November 2024
  • Payment due: 19th January 2025
    • Payment will be possible on-site upon arrival for confirmend participants.




The final version of the program is now available.


The possibility to register and pay online is now closed. Thank you for applying and paying the fee. It will be possible to pay in cash at the registration desk.


It is now possible to register for the conference. Registration will close on 20th October 2024.


We are honoured to announce that our distinguished colleagues have confirmed to be keynote speakers at the conference.They are:

  • Professor Emerita Elaine Hobby, Loughborough University (literature and cultural studies)
  • Prof. Dr. Jannis Androutsopoulos, Universität Hamburg (linguistics)

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